Showing posts with label interviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interviews. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2011


My kids are used to hearing, cutting and talking about coupons. So I thought I would  interview my cute little 6 yr old to see what he thinks about coupons.

Mom:  What does Mommy always cut?
Ivan: I know it's coupons!
M: That's right. Why do I use coupons?
I: Because they are money.
M: That's right. Does everybody use coupons?
I: I think so.
M:Do you think everyone should use coupons?
I: Hmmm, yeah.
M: So, what is your favorite thing that Mom buys using coupons?
I: M&M's!!
M: OK, so if I could get a coupon for anything, what would it be for?
I: mmmm, goldfish! Mom, can I be done now? I am kind of busy.
M: Sure Ivan, thanks for letting me bug you during your video game time.

From the mouth of a 6 yr old!!

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