**3 months of morning sickness nearly knocking me off of my feet.
** 1.5 weeks of a head cold that would just not quit.
** A weekend with the flu which affected all 6 members of my family.
What does all that add up too? A seriously messy house and a lousy eating schedule. I am feeling somewhat better and so decided to throw together a quick menu plan. We have a really busy week, and some of us are still not quite feeling 100%. But it is important to have something planned.
It was not easy to look at food magazines/cookbooks when you are feeling a touch nauseas but I did it. So here goes...
Tuesday: spaghetti w/meatballs
Wednesday: (all boys are at basketball until 6)
meat loaf
mashed potatoes and gravy
rolls & a vegi
Thursday: (cub scouts in the afternoon)
scrambled eggs, sausage, muffins and juice
Friday: (B-ball until 6)
crockpot bbq chicken
potato salad
root beer float cake for dessert
Thanks for looking!