Monday, February 10, 2014

In a slump...

Just clownin' around!

I don't know how many times I have read the book, "Oh the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess but I love it. I love that intertwined in this story are bits and bits of wisdom.

That Dr. Suess was a pretty deep guy!

There is a part in the book, when the boys finds himself in a slump. The words, "un-slumping yourself is not easily done" have been the words I have been living by.

I don't know when or why it started. I don't know how I got into it. Or what it is that is making me want to come out of it. But, unslumping yourself is not easily done.

I have had blogs. Followed blogs. Admired bloggers. Tried to find my place in the blogging world. Been successful. Been a failure. Been admired. Been forgotten.

I miss the outlet that blogging brings. The challenges that come. To try a new recipe. Or a craft. Or an organization challenge. To try to make my life and those around me better. To celebrate life every day. To commiserate when life is giving me lemons. To share. To belong.

I feel myself slowly coming out of this slump I have been in. Getting excited about things again. Realizing where I have needed to improve.

Slowly but surely, I am getting there. Thanks for taking the ride with me...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Birthday to Ivan!!

OK, how does time go by so stinkin' fast?! I swear I was just in the hospital having this kid!

...and now he is nine. NINE!

So per birthday tradition, here are 9 reasons why I LOVE my nine year old!!

1.He sleeps next to a window, and no matter what the temperature outside, the window is ALWAYS open. And he sleeps cocooned under a good 10-12 blankets.

2. Whatever he loves, he loves it with his whole heart. From Legos, to M & M's, to the American Revolution. He goes all in.

3. He wants to work at LEGOLAND when he grows up.

4. His sweet smiles.

5. When I go pick him up at school, he runs to me like he hasn't seen me for a year and practically knocks me over with a hug! I literally have to brace myself for impact.

6. He only wants to sit by me. At church. During movie night. At the table. That is dedication!

7. He has an awesome sense of humor.

8. He doesn't worry about things like being popular or doing the "cool" thing. He is who he is.

9. He is a good big brother to Mason, even though he struggles with it sometimes!


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