My planner has changed amongst the years.
From small to big, from 3 ring to 6 ring to a spiral bound.
I have tried notebooks and...seriously a lot of different types, varieties and colors. I don't do digital because for me, I have to write it in my own handwriting. I am just not a tech girl!
I call my planner my brain because it remembers everything for me!
However, right now I am so happy with what I have. It has been perfect for me and my needs.
So here are a few hundred pictures on how I organize my planner!
First off, the binder itself. It is a hard bound 3 ring binder. I believe it is an Avery brand, but now that the sticker is no longer on there...well I have no idea :) It was purchased at Wal Mart but I have also seen them at Target. It has a clear front and so you can slide things in the front & back. I have a picture of my kids on the front and a to do list on the back.
I do have to be careful not to wipe it off on accident! |
In the front pocket I have stickers. Stickers from a previous calendar, some smiley faces, and some of our family labels.
The first section I have is my calendar. I purchased the calendar pages from the Martha Stewart line at Staples. It has a monthly overview page and than a 2 page spread for each week. On the monthly overview I don't really fill out too much. Unless it is like my husband being out of town for a week or longer.
However, the weekly pages are FULL! There are 3 sections every day for Morning, Afternoon and Evening. There are also 2 small squares at the bottom. I use those for my weekly meal plan and the zone that I want to work on that week. At the bottom of the page, I have a list of who is doing what for family night that week. That way we are sure to rotate it correctly! Then of course it is filled out with all appointments, meetings, activities etc. EVERYTHING!
Why won't this rotate?!
List for the side hee hee! |
The volunteer tab, includes any info that I may need for the things I have volunteered for. I am a room Mom for two different classrooms, and I help out with Cub Scout day camp. That is all kept in that area. Things like email lists & phone numbers, schedules etc.
Contacts is pretty self explanatory! Although, with all the variety of therapists our family goes too, I do now have a section for business cards.
This sexy picture of my husband is what starts my "family section" of my binder. Under my husband's section, I have all of his work numbers, work address, command name, etc. Whenever I have to fill out paperwork, and he is not around, I can just look in that section and not bug him. LOL
Each child has a section with their school schedule (5 kids--->4 schools) phone numbers for their school, passwords & pins for their grade trackers, the names & numbers of any coaches, leaders and people in charge of their activities. I also keep teacher emails and schedules of activities. All those things that pertain to that child. Each kid has a pocket with their picture and in the pocket I will keep cards or tickets from their events. Just little reminders & keepsakes.
After my family, is the section just for me! It says CEO of Turner Inc. because that is literally what I am! This section includes my weekly schedule of family activities, the things that are the same week after week after week. I also have my daily routines (both evening & morning), things that need to be done on a weekly basis, my list of zones (a Flylady thing that I changed for my needs).
I also have a family section where I include, a list of restaurants and my families favorites at each place (this has come in handy soooo many times!), clothing & shoe sizes, and any other little info that I tend to forget!
I have a tab labeled "motivate me". I write thoughts, quotes and sayings that make me want to do & be better. I look at them whenever I need a little pick me up. It also includes nice things people have said to me.
The last section is for menus. I write the plan and then keep it in there. That way, if I am grocery shopping and haven't planned, I can look at those and get ideas & inspirations.
So, phew that was a lot! But I really wanted to go through it. It works so well for me. I can add and subtract as I go along. I have contemplated going to a soft bound binder of the same size but am still on the fence. I like the flexibility of the soft bound, but love having a place to put a picture on the cover. My family is the reason that I do what I do. So it is an awesome reminder for me. Plus they are pretty dang cute to look at :)
If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask! I would love to hear how others organize their crazy lives!