Every Friday Harmony is going through her room, looking for things that she wants to bring to Show and Tell. I know she loves it and has fun sharing her favorite things. So when I saw Show and Tell Friday over at I thought it would be fun to participate.
So here goes..With St.Patricks Day and Easter being so close together, I didn't really decorate for either. I have one St. Pattys Day decoration to go on the door and that is all I have! Easter I have a few more but not that many. When I was at the Navy Exchange the other day, all their Easter deco's were 20% off. While I would have preferred a bigger discount, the items were not that expensive to begin with! So here are the ones I bought.
My fav. is the little girl bunny sitting on the chair. The boy is cute but he doesn't stay on his chair very well. I was thinking of hot glueing him on there, but I am just wondering if these chairs could be used for something else also. So I am kind of hesitant about it.
The kids really like the one that has the chalkboard. They love chalkboards. Next week I will have to share the one that Ben made for the kids.
Well that is it for my first Show and Tell. Go over to Kelli's site to see more!