Thursday, March 15, 2012

time flies...

Wow how time flies when you are sick, your kids are sick, you're trying to get your homeschool more organized, your life more organized...

Or maybe blogger just has the wrong date for my last post. There is no way it could have been the 29th of February!

Now it is the middle of March. Seriously, how does that happen?

Awww...well anyway.

My husband has been gone for a little over a month and with all the things going on in our lives, my budget is all but out the door.

It is time to reign it in my friends.

Everyone in the military gets paid on the same days. The 1st and the 15th. So when it comes to planning my grocery budget, I plan for every two weeks.

Well you know what today is, it's the 15th, which means its time to get back in the saddle. How do I do that? By organizing my huge stack of coupons, planning my trips & planning my meals by what is at the store.

How do you keep your grocery budget on track?

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