Remember my good mail day a couple of posts down?
I was sitting at my computer when I heard a noise outside my door. I hadn't ordered anything recently so wasn't sure what it could be.
I open it up and find a cute little giftbox.
Inside was a free sample of Purex Complete Crystals fabric softener. How cute is that little bottle?
So since I was already doing laundry that day, I decided to use my new sample.
First impression was how good it smelled.I like my laundry to smell nice so that is very important to me.
Later when I pulled the load out of the dryer...they looked great, smelled great and were nice and soft. I didn't notice any greasy oil spots, which is one of the cool things about the crystals vs. regular softener.
All in all, I thought it was a great product. Would I use it again? Well, that depends. I know, I know but honestly I am not going to pay full price for it. A $6 price tag for a fabric softener is a little steep in my book. So for me it would of course depend on, do I have a coupon? Is it a good sale? Discount?
Now back to those free item coupons. I have 2 coupons to send to my readers so that YOU can try it out for yourself.
This is going to be a quickie 24 hr giveaway. Just comment on this post to let me know you would like to be entered!
I'll enter! :)
I've been wanting to try this! Enter me!!
Ok I am in. lol...
I'd like to try it.
Sweet! I'd love to try it.
Enter me! Enter me! Enter me!!
count me in dear!
I'd love to be entered!
hewella1 at gmail dot com
Of course I want to enter for something free!!! Thanks. :)
I need coupons!
Enter me!! :-)
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