Friday, June 10, 2011


My kids are used to hearing, cutting and talking about coupons. So I thought I would  interview my cute little 6 yr old to see what he thinks about coupons.

Mom:  What does Mommy always cut?
Ivan: I know it's coupons!
M: That's right. Why do I use coupons?
I: Because they are money.
M: That's right. Does everybody use coupons?
I: I think so.
M:Do you think everyone should use coupons?
I: Hmmm, yeah.
M: So, what is your favorite thing that Mom buys using coupons?
I: M&M's!!
M: OK, so if I could get a coupon for anything, what would it be for?
I: mmmm, goldfish! Mom, can I be done now? I am kind of busy.
M: Sure Ivan, thanks for letting me bug you during your video game time.

From the mouth of a 6 yr old!!

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