Thursday, July 7, 2011

"uhm Mom..."

You just know he was pretending it was a gun!
Pop quiz: how many of you can tell what this is?!

helping me clean it up (:

the cute lil' culprit

Please tell me that I am not the only one who cringes when they hear that phrase?

One day I was ignoring working hard, when I heard a noise I didn't like.

I shout to my 6 year old, "hey kiddo, what was that?"

"uhm Mom, you do not want to know!"

Then from my husband I hear, " ugh that is why I hate those things!"

Immediatley I knew what it was. My Scentsy. Ivan had knocked it and wax was all over my table runner, wall, floor and even on my husband's ipod arm band.

I was getting ready to get an upper arm work out scraping it all off when I decided to see if I could "google" an easier way. I heart google.

I found a video on You Tube video where it showed an easy way to clean it up. I know that mmost people already know, but if you are like me, and not up on really was way easy!

Get your hair dryer. I used it on the high setting and placed it really close to the various spots. It melted a bit and then I simply wiped it off with a paper towel. Easy shmeezy!

Then I got a cute little helper to finish the rest (:

Not really a money saving idea but totally a TIME saving idea. And who doesn't want to save time?!

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