Friday, August 10, 2012


Oh my goodness gracious. It totally snuck up on me. My daughter just turned 13. My not so baby-baby is a teenager. I swear I am not that old...ok maybe I am.

So I just wanted to share 13 reasons why I LOVE my 13 year old:

1. Crazy smart. Seriously. She amazes me with all she knows.

2. Talented. Everything she does, she does it well. If not, she will practice and practice until she does. She has some mad skills...writing, music, drawing...

3. She knows who she is. For the most part, she couldn't care less what people think of her/her likes.

4. Funny. She really has a good sense of humor.

5. Creative. In her writing, in the games she makes up, in well everything.

6. Very practical.

7. She is a good friend. She is fiercly loyal.

8. She has this amazing range of likes. From tv shows, to books, to music, she loves things from other countries...

9. She is determined. She makes goals and goes after them.

10. I love that she loves to watch Jeopardy and she answers alot of the questions right!

11. She loves to do crafty things with me.

12. She doesn't follow the crowd. If she doesn't think/know something is right, she won't do it.

13. She is beautiful inside and out.

I seriously love this awesome girl. She enjoyed going on a date with her Dad to Barnes & Noble, World Market, Michaels and then out to eat at a local hamburger place.

Later she opened a few gifts and celebrated with birthday pie instead of cake, her favorite Coconut Cream Pie.

HaPpY HaPpY BiRtHDaY HaRmOnY!! MoM LoVeS YoU!!

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