Thursday, April 28, 2011

cheap eats

(the lonnnng line to get in!!)

Eating out is expensive. 

Yes we can use coupons. We can eat off the dollar menu , and only get water.

But not only is it expensive, to much of it is not healthy for you.

Whenever our family eats out, we think times 5.

5 kids can eat!!

So we stick to the dollar menu. We use coupons. But choices have to be made. And one of those is...


I know poor kiddos. They really do suffer.

So when 31 cent scoop night at Baskin & Robbins comes around my kids are in HEAVEN!! Not only do they get a dessert, but they get 3 scoops!

Less than $5 for all 4 of the older kids and myself  to get a bowl. Mason had to share but I don't think he minded!

It was a fun and cheap night!

I encourage you to look around your area and see what local discounts are offered! There are a lot out there, so take advantage!!

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