(freezer door, we love ice cream and Breyers was $1.89 with .50/1 coupons doubled. Breyers for .89?! yeah I had to get it!)
(the freezer on our side by side)
(my body wash and shampoo & conditioner shelf)
(Mason's closet, up here he has 4 pkgs of diapers and 3 pkgs of wipes, with 3 more packages of diapers downstairs!)
**Note that these pictures do not include the pantry in my kitchen, the laundry room stockpiles or all or our school supply stockpiles!)
It is no secret that I LOVE using coupons. One of my main reasons is the ability to stock up (stockpiling) and doing it at cheap prices.
On Tuesday, my sweet husband will be leaving for over 3 weeks on a military field exercise. ): Leaving me with all 5 kids. Grocery shopping with kids is NOT my favorite thing to do. (Shocker I know!)
Right now, our house is overflowing with food and health and beauty items. I am at a point where I don't "need" to shop, except for a few items that we seem to go through fast.
That is the beauty of stockpiling, being able to shop at your own home.
I know that there are a lot of people who don't feel like coupons just aren't for them...for a variety of reasons. But I can tell you one thing, they are for me!
Last Tuesday I did my weekly trips. Two out of my three stores double coupons up to a dollar. The other one doesn't normally double but they put in their ad, 5 coupons that would double. My first trip, the total was $256 dollars before savings card and coupons. After $91. The second store (where I also bought 3 pkgs of diapers and 1 container of wipes....$365 before coupons and savings and after it was $160.
Along with freezer cooking, I am going to start talking about couponing. Hopefully it will get people interested.
One of my favorite books on couponing is written by the Coupon Mom
I am going to give away this book! It is filled with up to date information on getting the most out of your coupons! Plus I will add free samples and fun items from my stockpiles to the box.
So if you are interested in winning my copy of this book, you need to
1) Leave a comment telling me why you want this book
2)Leave a second comment with questions/comments that you have about coupons
3) for a 3rd entry, post about the giveaway on your blog/facebook page. For every person that signs up because of you (make sure they tell me who sent them) you will get an additional entry
I would LOVE to figure out this coupon stuff! I know others who post pictures and their "retail price/after coupon price" and I see items I would love to pick up on the cheap!
It would be great to learn how to save so much money! You have already inspired me but having the book would be awesome!
Okay, for my second comment I am actually asking a question...do you build your shopping list around your coupons or clip coupons around your shopping list? Also, where do you get all your coupons? Do you print them, get them from the paper, etc?
I would love to have a book like that! I try using coupons occasionally and sometimes I have great results and sometimes not so great. (saw this on Jessica M. facebook posting) Thanks Jessica and Marie!
My question is actually the same of Jessica's where do you get all of your coupons? and how do you organize your coupons? When I do get some coupons I usually miss out on using some of them because they expire before I use them.
Iwould love to learn how to use coupons better so that I can start saving money. I have a 16 year old and a 2 year old, and they are extremely different in the way they eat. thos would be extremely helpful to me.
how do you get ahold of so many great coupons? do you get them from the newspaper? weekly store ads? do you care about "Name brands" do you do your shopping based on coupons or. I knowyou said another comment, but....would love to hear your strategies
I know you have helped me with coupons in the past, but I didn't get as into it as I should have. But we are at a point where I really need to save some money on my grocery list. And now that I have a freezer, I can really stock up!! I am looking forward to all your great advice!!
Oh and I do have a question....about organizing them. I tried an accordian file thing and it just didn't work for me. It was hard to know what I had and some coupons expired before I could use them. What do you use? What would be the best way to organize all your coupons so you can maximize them?
Hi Marie! this is Hannah B.
I actually clicked on Jessica's link to here because I couldn't find your original, so give Jessica another point. =)
I'm getting lured in by couponing recently. My thought is if I can get up enough gumption to do it thoroughly for a year or so then I will get stocked up on the long term items (soap/cleaners/etc) and then I could stop for a long time.
and my question is tied to the reason I don't want this as a long term life habit...
...How can you be sure that you're actually saving money rather than spending the same or more and getting it stored in lots of stuff? Past a certain point is stockpiling desirable or does it turn wants into needs?
I worry about this as one of my best protective strategies against advertising is in not exposing myself to it so that I don't start wanting things.
Hannah, I love yah. But I have to tell you that you think about it in a lot deeper terms than I do. (: I honestly read over your comments/questions a few times and I am not sure how to answer them. The way that I know I am saving money is that I take all of my grocery money out so that I use cash. At the end of the pay period I have full pantry shelves, and extra cash that goes into a special savings account. It works for me and I hope I can help you out. But another way to save money is by using freezer cooking. I will be having a giveaway for 2 cookbooks on how to do it. Plus I have info on here and will be updating more about that also. I hope something will help! (:
I would love to figure out coupons. I use coupons now but only save a few dollars each week. Thank you for having this great giveaway!
I would love to be able to figure out how to use my coupons more effectively to save more money.
I would like to win to save more money!
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