Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Smiley face lunches

(Harmony decided to make a mad face instead!)

(pretzel eyelashes, pizza eyes, cherry nose and a banana smile!)

(food photographer I am not!)

(a cute little helper)

(the basic supplies)

The other day my son wanted his favorite lunch. Written in his 8 yr. old
handwriting, I found on my shopping list:
and sauce

Bagel pizzas are a great item to have in the freezer for lunches. I will buy "Bagel Bites" brand with sale and coupon but otherwise I use these. Plus, the kids love helping to make these!

Bagel pizzas:
Seperate bagels and lay on baking sheet
top with sauce
add desired toppings

Bake at 325 for 10-12 minutes

I let the kids eat as much as they want for lunch and then...

leaving them on the cookie sheet, place them in the freezer (this is called flash freezing)
let them freeze for about 2 hours
Take them out and place in a freezer bag
**tip** I always label my bags BEFORE putting food in. I don't want to tell you how many times I have tried to write on top of food :)

Make sure to label your bag. Even if you can tell what the food is, you should always write the date and any reheating instructions.

My kiddo's always like to make smiley faces with their food. I think it just tastes better that way!

1 comment:

Daria @mominmanagement said...

So darn cute! What a great idea.

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